What are configuration profiles? Configuration profiles, allow an iOS device owner to load a set of precomposed settings to their device without having to enter each of these settings separately in a manual fashion on the device itself. These profiles include some of the most common settings found in the Settings app on the device.

AFAIK, you can't exact configuration profile from a device. I have also tried with jailbroken phone, but could not find quick solution. I think its security provided by Apple. Otherwise, anyone can retrive installed configuration profile and modify it and re-install it. Answer given by @obuseme is for provisioning profile. I believe you will have to wipe your phone and not restore from backup. Some configuration profiles allow the creator to prevent removal of the profile. Apple's configuration reference lists the following key the creator of the profile probably used: PayloadRemovalDisallowed - Optional. Supervised only. iPhone 11 Pro "Profile Installation Failed" during initial setup configuration Wesley Couch Fri January 10, 2020 02:46 PM Hello everyone, Have a user who got a new iPhone and we opted to restore from iCloud backup to tran Mar 13, 2013 · Configuration profiles can be installed on the iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad in order to allow ad hoc (beta) apps to run, to help Apple diagnose things like battery life problems, and to change settings for certain types of network access, among other things. Unfortunately, like many empowered conveniences, they bring with them theoretical security concerns. Namely, bad guys could make a

Jul 11, 2017 · Configuration profiles on an iPhone or iPad are sort of like Group Policy or the registry editor on Windows. They allow you to quickly distribute groups of settings and access powerful management features that aren’t normally available. Configuration profiles are really designed for organizations, but can be used by anyone.

It is only reading the Configuration Profiles which is exactly what I need. I did not have to install them into the Junos Pulse app. Adding them to the system, and launching the app is enough for my profiles to be recognized. Thanks for your help :)

The Systems Manager > Manage > Settings page allows you to create or delete configuration profiles, which are containers or wrappers for various configuration settings that are installed onto your managed devices in Systems Manager.

Select the iPhone’s Configuration Profiles tab (from the row of tabs that begins with Summary). You should now see a list of all available configuration profiles. Depending upon whether a