HELP!! Re-installed XP, Can't connect to internet

Aug 21, 2012 XP Won't Connect To The Internet - Windows XP Home and Dec 21, 2011 Windows XP : Internet Connected but Can't Browse Any Sites

Dec 22, 2012

I am fairly new to qemu, and I want to connect internet to my windows xp vm. I use manjaro linux and use this command to start the vm: qemu-system-x86_64 -m 1024 -hda winxp.img. Any way to add internet to the vm? I apologize in advance for the stupid question. Windows for Internet of Things (IoT) Platforms

Click Network and Internet Connections. Click Network Connections. Double-click Local Area Connection. Click Properties. Highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Click Properties. Under the General tab ensure the following are selected: Obtain an IP address automatically. Obtain DNS server address automatically.

I have installed last VirtualBox Windows version. My computer run Windows XP Pro, 2Gb ram, 2 Core Intel cpu. All virtual machines are unable to use Internet. Network configuration with PCnet-Fast II, III or Intel Pro/1000 MT Desktop, 1000 T Server is unable to make change. Help! Can't connect to the internet after reinstalling