P6 (microarchitecture) - Wikipedia

An "i686" package is designed to run on these systems (and will usually perform better than a "i386" version); an "i686" system can run any i386, i486, i586, or i686 package. x86_64: This is the 64-bit instruction set for x86 CPUs. i386 different from x86? - Stack Overflow 80386/i386 was the first 32-bit Intel processor. When it was introduced, lot of compilers started using i386 as a flag to turn code-generation for it, a name for various temporary files, and architecture denominations in file names. 80386 was succeeded by 486, 586 (aka Pentium) and the rest of the x86 architecture CPUs. [Résolu] i386, i686, x86, x64 - La différence ? par

Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) has dropped the support for i386 architecture. Therefore we do not release i386 Ubuntu-based Clonezilla live for Ubuntu >= 19.10, only amd64 (x86-64) arch is available. Once you have the Clonezilla live iso or zip file, please follow this Live CD/USB doc to put it on the boot media, and follow this Live Docs to use it.

Fix This Kernel Requires an x86-64 CPU but only detected Nov 14, 2016

J'aimerai bien connaitre la différence entre i386, i686, x86 et x64. D'aprés ce que j'ai compris i686=i386=x86=32 bits chez intel x64= 64bits Seulement, sur …

Qué kernel elegir: ¿i686, i686 PAE, o x86_64? En Phoronix han dado respuesta a nuestra pregunta, porque han analizado el rendimiento de Ubuntu 11.04 Beta 1 haciendo uso de tres núcleos distintos: el kernel normal para plataformas de 32 bits (i686), el kernel de 32 bits con PAE (i686 PAE), o el kernel de 64 bits convencional (x86_64). linux - Should I install x86_64 or i386 RPM packages An "i686" package is designed to run on these systems (and will usually perform better than a "i386" version); an "i686" system can run any i386, i486, i586, or i686 package. x86_64: This is the 64-bit instruction set for x86 CPUs. i386 different from x86? - Stack Overflow 80386/i386 was the first 32-bit Intel processor. When it was introduced, lot of compilers started using i386 as a flag to turn code-generation for it, a name for various temporary files, and architecture denominations in file names. 80386 was succeeded by 486, 586 (aka Pentium) and the rest of the x86 architecture CPUs. [Résolu] i386, i686, x86, x64 - La différence ? par