Ping/tracert from the pc times out. So does pinging a comcast DNS address. The router is able to connect to the Comcast cable modem and get an IP address, DNS, etc. I can also ping and traceroute from the router using built-in diagnostic tools. I can connect my pc to the router and get an a local IP address and DNS from Comcast.

I can ping all other locations. rebooting the router doesn't magically fix anything. after a few hours, issue resolves itself, can ping between Site A & B without any issue. The current workaround is adding static routes to networks for Site A on router at Site B using the standby IP ( I've setup an ip sla to monitor reachability to unable to ping internet through WRT54G - Linksys Community Ping/tracert from the pc times out. So does pinging a comcast DNS address. The router is able to connect to the Comcast cable modem and get an IP address, DNS, etc. I can also ping and traceroute from the router using built-in diagnostic tools. I can connect my pc to the router and get an a local IP address and DNS from Comcast. Unable to ping VMs on VXLAN from Physical router. |VMware Mar 30, 2020

Can't access router login page after Windows 10 upgrade

My router is connected to ISP modem and I am able to ping my router wan interface inside my lan network or any pc which connected in my lan network. Problem is that all routing processes are working fine, even my internet connection is working fine. Only from outside I am not able to ping my router. routing - Cant ping across router? - Network Engineering In the diagram below, why is it that I cannot ping host 2 from host 1? Router 1 has interfaces on both networks net1 and net2. What rule do I have to add to the routing table to tell router 1 that it can access net 2 on its 2.250 interface? I have tried .

To make the two PCs be able to ping each other without adding a router or changing the IPs, you'd need to change the network masks to 0. So PC1 will be and PC2 will be, making the subnet range for both of them the same

Unable to ping public ip of wan port - Tech I have a router at my place which has public ip on it wan port. When i try to ping my public ip from other country or from my phone(via phone internet) i am unable to ping it. But when i ping my ip from my neighbors network i am able to do so. What i can figure out is my router is responding to pings. How To Enable Ping In Windows Server 2019 Firewall - RootUsers Dec 21, 2018