Download the file fixhosts.exe and save it to your desktop. Run the file fixhosts.exe (in Windows Vista, right-click the file and select Run as administrator) Accept all the warnings (including those from Vista User Access Control, if applicable.) Check that the hosts file has been updated by repeating the steps given above. Restoring settings

The Hosts file is not dead. For small networks, a Hosts file may still be the easiest way to provide name resolution for the network’s computers. In addition, a Hosts file can coexist with DNS. The Hosts file is always checked before DNS is used, so you can even use a Hosts file to override DNS if you want. The Hosts file is the precursor to DNS. Mar 06, 2011 · Remember to set the read-only attribute again once you are finished to prevent third party editing of the hosts file. The default Windows Hosts file has no active entries. Please note that a line beginning with # is a comment line which will not be executed or processed. Editing the Windows Hosts file. Take a look at the examples in the comments. 2 ways to open hosts file in Windows 10: Way 1: Unfold it by Run. Step 1: Launch Run by Windows+R, type c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts in the box and click OK.. Step 2: Choose a way to open the file and tap OK. Dec 13, 2006 · In Windows Vista, Hosts file is a read only hidden system file. So that you cannot edit that file. Alsa running notepad as an administrator doesnt solve this problem. You can solve this typing some DOS commands at command line: C:\Users\Administrator>cd C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc>attrib -s -r -h hosts If you make any changes in order to bring the hosts file to default state,before closing, you need to save the changes. Note: Windows Vista do not allow to change this file, please follow this workaround to save the file Please go to File and choose Save As Nov 01, 2018 · In this tutorial we’ll show you how to easily reset the HOSTS file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts) back to default in Windows 10. How to Reset Hosts File Back to Default in Windows 10? By default, the HOSTS file is protected by the operating system so you’re unable to edit it without admin rights. This free tool can be used in Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and later. With the help of this tool, you can add new website IP address, URL easily and quickly to Hosts file. The tool also allows you to delete or restore default Hosts file using a single click.

In the event you already have an existing HOSTS file you will be prompted with the image to the right. Windows Explorer will prompt you to replace the existing file. If you are not sure, select: No and rename the existing file to hosts.old. You can open your existing HOSTS file in Notepad via the right-click options.

If you make any changes in order to bring the hosts file to default state,before closing, you need to save the changes. Note: Windows Vista do not allow to change this file, please follow this workaround to save the file Please go to File and choose Save As

Nov 01, 2018 · In this tutorial we’ll show you how to easily reset the HOSTS file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts) back to default in Windows 10. How to Reset Hosts File Back to Default in Windows 10? By default, the HOSTS file is protected by the operating system so you’re unable to edit it without admin rights.

How do I edit the hosts file? Editing the hosts file is easy. Follow the steps below. NOTE: In Windows Vista and Windows 7, Notepad must be run as an Administrator. If you attempt to open the file without being an administrator, the file can not be updated. Click Start then All Programs then Accessories. Right click Notepad and select Run as Cannot edit hosts file in Windows Vista Home Premium