How to set up a Google Chrome Proxy - Irokox

If Google Chrome browser is showing the status 'Waiting for Proxy Tunnel' and taking excess time when loading web pages, check your proxy server settings. Fix: Google Chrome 'Waiting for Proxy Tunnel' To fix the problem, disable auto-proxy discover setting using these steps: Right-click Start, click Run. Type inetcpl.cpl and click OK. Select the Connections Run Chrome/Chromium with proxy settings on Linux This tells Chrome/Chromium to use a custom proxy configuration. You can specify a custom proxy configuration in several ways. The most common one is providing a semi-colon-separated mapping of list scheme to url/port pairs. For example:--proxy-server="http=minimal.proxy:80;https=super.proxy:3128" internet explorer - Chrome asks for proxy authentication

How to Fix Error Connection Closed Error in Google Chrome

How to deal with Chrome's "downloading proxy script May 07, 2020

Dec 03, 2019

Hi! I want to start Google Chrome with the command --proxy-server=localhost:8080. I read that it is possible to include this command in the exe file. But trying to do this since a couple of hours. Is there any tutorial or something similar? Quick Fix: Google Chrome Stuck at Downloading Proxy Script By default, Google Chrome analyzes your computer and network’s proxy settings before opening any website on the Internet. However, it doesn’t work with some of the ISPs and hence your browser either takes a lot of time to open the website or doesn’t open at all.